i’m good boiiiii.
sup anon. you can call me ZEUS. i fetch big bags and do the best tricks. i’m trained by the bestest. i can bark loud. woof fast!!
my dad is pepe, he call me good boi
only the best dad in the park!!! pepe trained me good, now i can fetch big bags. do the hugest jumps, and chill with the best doggos on the planet. you like big bags, right fren?
give me a treat, and i’ll bring you the biggest bag you’ve ever seen! BARK BARK BARK
pupper with a poker face
hot dog, chili dog, chill dogs. pepe said chilli dogs make the most frens, and i’m a chill boi. invest your treats and i’ll play them right!!! BARK just like pepe taught me! you and me anon, we’ll win this game fast. i’ll get all the treats, and you’ll get all the bags!
sounds like a win/win WOOF/WOOF.
we’re not talkin poop bags, these are CASH BAGS
PICK THAT UP! everyone likes to play with a good boi and a good boi likes a lot of treats…winnings! i like to play poker with all my frens. will you have a good pet? i mean a good hand. i guarantee that if you buy sum $zeus treats, you’ll have a royal flush! top dollar! hot diggity, i’m your dog. well not your dog. pepe’s dog but i can still make you rich with my chilli dog poker face.
i can jump REALLY high anon!!! pepe showed me how. now i can copy him and make everyone proud. if you’re happy i get treats. if i’m happy dog you get big bag. win. woof. win! throw me a ball and a bone too, why not! i’ll always bring you more from the top of the dog park trees.
meet u there???
join me at the doggo park pls?? my dad is gonna be so happy to see i have new frens! pepe love $zeus! do you love me? i’m a good boi, best pupper around. BARK BARK throw me the ball and watch me RUN fast and jump higher than pepe!
buy $zeus treats before i leap for the moon. you won’t miss out if you buy now! pepe promise that i will get treats. maybe pets too…. put your goodest heart in my cards and all your hands in the pets!! $zeus good boi will be number 1!
feels so good to be doggo BARK BARK BARK BARK